
Friday 11 September 2015

Data Science - The Era of Data yet to begin

by Unknown  |  in Data Science at  Friday, September 11, 2015

Data Scientist has been rewarded as the sexiest job of 21st century.It is a boom word which is no longer a hype now.World's renowned companies are coming up with their new Data Science Teams.
It has been estimated that the United States alone will fall short of 140,000 to 180,000 Data Scientists in 2018.The following graph depicts the growing trend:

What do Data Scientists do?

After Watching this video,you will easily get a raw idea of what do Data Scientists do in their daily tasks.

Skills Required to a Data Scientist:

Data Science is a deadly combinations of large number of trending technologies,the utmost skills required to be an ideal Data Scientist is as follow:

1. Basic Tools: The most requirement for becoming a Data Scientist is that you must be familiar with a statistical programming language such as Python or R,and a Database querying language such as SQL.

2.Basic Statistics: Statistics as we all know are related to facts,Data Science is all about facts.If you wish to become a Data Scientist you must be aware of all general Statistical tests,distributions,likelihood estimator etc. Since the new Startups from now onwards will be Data Startups,so getting good hands statistics is vital.

3.Machine Learning: If you are working with a large company,which manages a lot of data,and the results are data driven,then machine learning is a must,if not fully but you need to learn some of the machine learning methods such as Random Forests,K-means clustering etc.

4.Data Munging: It is quite often that data we are getting is not always clean,you need to first clean the impurities in Data,and then bring it back to your system in order to perform operations on it.This is one of the daily task of a Data Scientist.

5.Data Visualisation: Visualisation is a kind of telling story with Data.Visualisation can be done through many newly introduced softwares such as Tableau.Moreover Visualisation can also be done with R ,Pthon and D3.js- a Javascript visualisation library.A Data Scientist must not only be able to visualise data but also be able to decode the data in pictorial formats or graphs.

6.Creative Thinking: The Last and the most important thing is that you must think like a Data Scientist.You will be given a huge amount of data,you need to judge the importance of variables in data.You need to communicate with your team of how to do the tasks,what test you need to apply on Data.

Data Scientist Salary:

All the Best to all the Budding Data Scientists.


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