Creating an adhoc network in Windows 8 is quite different as compared to Windows 7.Here are the simple steps to start and run an adhoc network in Windows 8.
1.First of all we need to check whether our NIC(Network Interface Card) support Adhoc network mode,for this we need to run our Cammand Prompt as Administrator,
2.After running your Command Prompt as Administrator,you need to check for your hardware,whether it supports the hosted network mode or not by typing the following command:
If Hosted network supported says Yes,then you are all set.Otherwise,you need to upgrade your hardware, if the software update does not fixes it.
3.Now we will begin our network setup bu writing the following command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<enter_network_name_here> key=<enter_password_here>
4. Till now, your hosted network has been created. Now, you need to start it. Use the command below:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5. Now you are all set, with just one thing remaining. If it’s not already enabled, you need to allow Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) for your currently-active internet connection. Simply head over to Network & Sharing Center, and in the properties for the current internet connection, enable ICS. Make
sure to select the ad hoc connection under Home Networking connection.
6.Enjoy your Adhoc network.